The Magic Of Thinking Big 💭

I’ve finally finished ‘The Magic Of Thinking Big’by David J Schwartz after hearing a ton of recommendations to read it! It’s a relatively easy read, kind of like a guide to a happy and successful life. It’s not super theoretical like ‘Why We Sleep’, and it provided a fair bit of relevant examples so it was pretty relatable.

Here are the a few quotes that resonated with me, and I’ve intentionally started to apply them in my everyday life. I’ve seen minute improvements in myself, so just hope to share these quotes that have helped me so far!


People often underestimate sheer willpower. It’s true, one way another, if you set your mind to something, you’ll usually always be able to achieve it. Our minds are super malleable as well, it’s super susceptible to whatever we tell ourselves - that’s why is incredibly important to think big and think positive, instead of being super negative all the time.

Even something as simple as talking about rainy weather - it can be described as ‘calming, enjoyable’ instead of’ gloomy, depressing’. It already paints 2 very different pictures!

I’ve always believed I was destined for greater things, and I’ll continue to think and dream big to achieve my goals!


This was actually the second time I came across this theory of being enthusiastic. The first was on ‘68 bits of unsolicited advice’ by the wise Kevin Kelly who stated:

Being enthusiastic is worth 25 IQ points

Surprisingly, this holds true. I’ve ‘forced’ myself to be enthusiastic at every meeting I’ve been at, and the mood is naturally lifted! Even my own mood gets lifted - and this leaves folks with an incredible impression of you. Interesting, but this really works.

Building Confidence, Destroying Fear

Folks may not know this, but I get extremely nervous when I present stuff, especially to someone really senior at work. To be prepared for the meeting, I do my due diligence of doing research and preparing the meeting agenda, and practicing before a big presentation.

All that advice of ‘just imagine that they are in their underwear’ or ‘just stare at their foreheads’-none of that works for me. So when I stumbled across these quotes - something clicked in my head. I’ve started to put people in proper perspective. Now, whenever I have meetings, I just try my best to remember that I’m important, and I have something to contribute to the table as well.

Still working on this piece, but it’s been one I’ve been struggling a lot with for the longest time. I’m getting progressively better at it, one small win at a time! Recently, I managed to present to a bunch of folks, and when I reflected back on it, I was relatively pleased with the way I presented myself!

The last quote is just 5 actionable items you can do to build up your confidence! I admit I’m still not a front-seater, but I’m aiming to speak up and ask more questions in a recent course I’ve enrolled in :)


Last but not least, procrastination.

A few weeks ago, I had this nagging feeling at the back of my mind. I kept thinking about this work thing that I had to do but I just kept putting off because I had the option of doing it the next week, and I just wanted to enjoy my weekend.

I ended up spending more time worrying about it over the weekend. What a waste!

I only felt a complete sigh of relief once I sat down and churned it out on Monday. It was then that I decided that I would never again leave things hanging - especially those that I know would keep bothering me if I didn’t complete them. Don’t procrastinate folks, just do it like Nike!


I’d highly recommend reading ‘The Magic Of Thinking Big’by David J Schwartz if you enjoyed this post! I was surprised at how these small quotes helped change my perception on things and really helped me out, and I hope they will somewhat help you too!


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