Start Reading, Get A Kindle

When I was a kid, my mom would often find me sitting on the toilet bowl reading. Reading was initially a way for me to pass the time (while pooping 💩), but the books I read kept me so engaged that it was often hard for my mom to pry me away from the toilet bowl, even when I was done with my business! Being able to escape into a world with just your imagination (even within the constraints of my toilet)…it’s hard to describe, but it’s an experience like no other. I’m lucky I had the chance to learn about the joy of reading at such a young age.

Lots of folks don’t read these days. Most times, people purchase a book at the airport when they are about to go on a flight, but they never end up reading the book on the trip, and it ends up on the book shelf when they get back home, never to be touched again. They are usually‘too busy’ to even pick up a book to read, which is unfortunate.

There are SO many benefits to reading - a little too many to name here. When I was younger, I mostly read fiction books for enjoyment (I still do!), but in recent years, I’ve seen my non-fiction collection grow extensively.

“The reading of all good books is like conversation with the finest men of past centuries.”

― René Descartes

I’ve learnt so much from reading. Non-fiction books are a compilation of research and wisdom - and I get lots of incredible insights, and little nuggets of wisdom from each book. Some have really impacted me and changed my life! (I’ll probably start sharing a list on this website soon) - and I highly encourage everyone to pick this up and make time for it if you haven’t already!

I’ve now made it a point to set aside time in my schedule to read - either in the early mornings, or just before I go to bed. Make reading a priority, it’ll benefit you so much in the long run.

Now…Why You Should Get A Kindle

(This is not a sponsored post by any means! I’ve included affiliate links, but just wanted to share why having a Kindle is awesome!)

  • Kindle books are cheaper

    • They are priced at an average of USD 5 dollars cheaper than the printed copy. Furthermore, purchasing the book is only 1 click away on your computer, so you also save the cost of the trip of going down to the bookstore to pick up your book.

  • You save physical space

    • When you are travelling, you don’t have to worry about bringing a few books incase you finish reading one of them, or if you get bored of reading them (Ugh, the space it takes up). You also save book shelf space - if you’re an avid reader like me, books tend to pile up quite quickly, and unfortunately the pages end up turning yellow after a period of time if you haven’t kept them well. All your books are stored in one tiny device, at your disposal.

  • Amazing reading experience

    • You get to read in the dark under your blanket like Harry Potter (without needing to shout ‘Lumos’ every few seconds). Kidding. Please read with the lights on so you won’t spoil your eyesight!

    • The backlight feature on the Kindles are amazing, so you don’t have to end up squinting while reading. Infact, there is NO glare. Reading on a Kindle is a different experience from reading on a a phone - on the Kindle, there is no blue light shining at you, and I feel as if I am staring at the words of the page of an actual physical book!

    • I’m quite particular about printed fonts and sizes. Some books have words that are so tiny, it already deters me from reading the book. Thankfully, both fonts and font sizes are adjustable on the Kindle, making it easier on my ageing eyes!

  • Kindle Highlights / Readwise

    • When I find a quote that resonates with me, I highlight it in Kindle and it automatically gets saved into the highlights folder. I’m also subscribed to Readwise - a platform which extracts all my Kindle highlights and shows me a couple everyday! I usually include these in my weekly email newsletter: FOR THE MILLENNIAL with blurb on what that quote means to me. It’s a great way to be reminded of what you’ve been reading, or what has resonated with you!

Ali Abdaal also wrote an article about why 'You should get a Kindle' - the article definitely make great additional supporting points of reducing the friction to reading.

If you still love physical books & want to be around them (but don’t want to break the bank…)

I absolutely love being around physical books. Just being in a bookstore makes me really happy for some reason. I actually love the smell of books - yes, I’m a nerd like that.

Every month or so, I take a long walk around Kinokuniya at Takashimaya (one of the biggest bookstores in Singapore), and I spend at least 1 hour walking around, browsing through hard copy books.

The ‘secret’ is, I don’t actually buy any of them at the bookstore. When I see something I’m interested in, I take a photo of the book and voila, I have my potential reading list for the next month or so! Below are just some of the books that have piqued my interest in the last few months.

I haven’t actually bought all of them - before I make the decision on whether I want to buy the book, I do a little bit more research on it before I make the final purchase. If you still aren’t completely convinced, there’s even an option to download a sample to trial first!

If you’re looking to get one, click the links below to purchase one:

Getting a Kindle has really been one of the best things I’ve ever bought for myself. I’d recommend it to anyone in a heartbeat! I was on the fence on purchasing one for about a year before I bought my first Kindle paperwhite way back in 2012, but once I did, I never looked back! From one reader to another - if you love reading, this is one purchase you won’t regret!


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