Jamie’s Personal User Manual 👾

At work, we’re used to having a ‘working styles’ document. We’d share this with our colleagues for them to understand how to best work with us. After all, everyone is different and has their own preferences. So why not do this for folks whom you could potentially meet on the internet? Since my aim is to meet more like-minded folks on the internet, I thought this would be a good exercise for me to go through.

Having this guide at hand would potentially help people have a brief understanding who you are, what you value, and how to work with you. Instead of ‘wasting time’ going through the pleasantries, it also helps break the ice, and you could potentially start talking about the stuff that really matters!

I came across this idea of having a personal user manual from Julia Saxena’s website. Check hers out here! I actually just had a lovely catch up with her over zoom, and I had taken the time to reference her personal user manual before our chat. In my opinion, that action actually made our chat even better, because I took the time to understand who she was as a person!

If you’re interested to create your own personal user manual - use this as a template reference!



My current mission in life is to help millennials live a healthier and happier lifestyle by sharing my learnings on productivity 📈, personal development 🌱and lifestyle design 🖌️🎨.

Values I live by


Discipline is something that is naturally inculcated in me. I’m a big believer of having consistency and following through in everything you do - the results will naturally come if you put in the work. Routine, structure and good habits help me carve out my daily life. It also helps me become a more productive person.


Be true to your heart. None of that fake stuff please. I dislike doing things for the sake of it and I don’t want to do things for the pretence of looking good. I’d rather do things purposefully, with meaning. Perhaps this is why I don’t like corporate politics, because most of the time it boils down to the game of politics and visibility, and many people don’t get truly rewarded for the work that actually makes a true impact.


Always, always be learning! Having a growth mindset is incredibly important to me. I may not enjoy studying, but I’ve found that I truly enjoy learning new things (especially stuff that can improve any aspect of my life, or help me become a better human being!) Having a beginner’s mindset always helps - every day I’m discovering more and more things I’m super interested in, and that makes me incredibly happy and fufilled.


Transparency implies openness, communication, and accountability. To me, transparency is all about managing expectations. By sharing and communicating what’s really going on (be it good or bad), what the intended plan is - it gives greater clarity to everyone involved to help one another and be able to get stuff done (on time)!


Respect means that you accept somebody for who they are, even when they’re different from you or you don’t agree with them. I’ve had cases where friends have tried to ‘control’ me, and I did not appreciate that. Treat others how you want to be treated. Listen and accept their opinions, and of course feel free to share your opinion and recommend courses of action. However, what the other party chooses to do is entirely up to them and it is not your place to interfere.


The first set of questions are focused on me:

  • What are some honest, unfiltered things about you?

    • I’m always looking for ways to improve myself. I get caught up in the hedonic treadmill most times and am learning to embrace the fear of the unknown.

    • Currently, I’m on my journey to finding financial independence and freedom. This has sparked off my interest in building an audience online to help build up a form of passive income for myself. I highly recommend the book (Your Money or Your life by Vicki Robin) for reading if you’re curious about the topic of money - it’s changed my life.

    • Health is a huge priority for me. If I don’t exercise at least once 2 days, I get extremely lethargic and cranky. I will always prioritize my workouts (whether it’s sports, gym workouts, swimming, walking) even if I’m busy. It’s a non-negotiable for me. Eating nutritious food is also a big part of my life!

    • I studied in Western Australia, Perth for 7 years - so it’s my home away from home. I will visit Perth at least once a year to disconnect from my busy life in Singapore. I haven’t had the chance to this year and it’s killing me slowly inside.

    • I absolutely love the quiet of the mornings. Getting up early, and having a cup of coffee and just getting down to doing my morning routine (reading / exercising / writing) makes me extremely happy. I love being alone during this time with no distractions.

    • I really love reading. Please free free to recommend me your favourite / most impactful books!

  • What drives you nuts?

    • People who don’t deliver on time as promised. If you’re not able to help meet a deadline, please at least have courtesy to give whoever you are working with a heads up so they are able to better prioritize their time.

    • Being expected to deliver a task with no context or explanation whatsoever, just because.

    • People who have absolutely no sort of basic consideration for the person (whether it be a stranger etc)

    • Awkward silences and presentations. I hate them. I say a lot of ‘ums’ when I’m nervous, and am working on getting over this with loads of practice when speaking to the camera!

  • What are your quirks?

    • I am a nerd at heart. I love Nintendo games played on the Gameboy, SNES and N64. A pokemon fan, but only of the Kanto region.

    • I am also a huge disney, harry potter and dinosaur fan. I am unapologetically proud to be a Slytherin!

    • I was never academically inclined, but consider myself street smart.

    • I love to sing and find harmonizing fun, but am usually too shy to do it in public. I have an alternative career as a professional toilet / car singer though!

    • If I’m interested in something, I invest 200% of my time and energy into it. If it’s not worth my time I will not prioritize it, or very quickly lose interest in it, because I think life is short and you shouldn’t waste time on stuff that doesn’t matter (see Essentialism by Greg Mckweon). I think this goes in line with the ‘Maximizer’ theme from strengthsfinder.

  • How can people earn an extra gold star with you?

    • Being thoughtful in whatever you do, put yourself in the other person’s shoes!

    • Be punctual, it’s a sign of respect for the other person’s time!

    • Be friendly! It’s always nice to talk to someone who is warm and excited :)

    • Be real with me. I don’t appreciate fake and fluffy people.

    • Subscribing to both my weekly email newsletter: FOR THE MILLENNIAL and my YouTube Channel and supporting them!

  • What qualities do you particularly value in people who work with you?

    • Coming prepared with an agenda early on, so that I can prepare for the meeting. Often, meetings end up being useless discussions, and important decisions don’t get made because folks are busy scrambling to come up with some of structure for the meeting or for topics to discuss.

    • Having action items post meeting, and delivering them quickly / on time.

    • Being a thoughtful, proactive and considerate partner! I’m always striving to be one!

  • What are some things that people might misunderstand about you that you should clarify?

    • Most people think I’m extroverted, but I’m actually a huge introvert (I’ve changed over the years). I do need my time and space to recharge!

    • Since Jamie is an androgynous name (and since I dress like a guy) - I should clarify that I’m actually a girl 🙋‍♀️

    • I speak quicker than I think - which usually results in me also saying ‘um’ - but it doesn’t mean I don’t know what I’m talking about! I’m working on it!

The next set of questions are more focused on how I interact with others:

  • How do you coach people to do their best work and develop their talents?

    • I’m a good listener, so I can listen to your problems and help provide my own opinions and recommendations - however whatever action you choose to take is up to you!

    • I always believe in leading by example, so if I don’t particularly have the expertise, I am usually able to send resources to you to help you navigate your way.

    • Acting as a connector to other ‘experts’ in the field.

    • Baby steps. Start by developing good habits. Also, Nike got it right - just do it!

  • What’s the best way to convince you to do something?

    • Again, being very intentional with whatever I do, I will only prioritize things I think are important. Those things have to be something I truly believe in, that are in line with my values.

    • I’m someone who loves understanding context and the big picture, so show me how this can add value to me / how I can add value to this.

    • Don’t force me to do it. That’s the worst way of doing things with me, you’ll actually make me ‘hate’ the idea.

  • How do you like to give and receive feedback?

    • I’ll show appreciation for whatever the person is doing and put myself in their shoes to try to understand what was going on. I’ll always give someone the benefit of doubt the first time round.

    • Will probably share it directly face to face, with concrete examples and agree on next steps on how to improve and how the problem won’t occur again.

    • I prefer the same approach when receiving feedback.

  • What’s the best way to communicate with you?

    • If you want to get to know me, having a 1 to 1 conversation, face to face (I guess in Covid19 over zoom / Google Meets) would be the best option. I enjoy 1 to 1 conversations as it allows me to give my full attention to the person. I tend to zone out in group conversations as I don’t find it as personal.

    • I’m very happy to chat about anything under the sun, but am most excited to connect with folks over the internet about my interests, NOT about my current work at Google.

    • Email! I’m usually quick to respond on my email, so if you need to reach me, email me on jamie@jamielyy.com!


The Possibility Mindset 🚀


Sleep: The Underrated Habit